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    조회 수 74 댓글 0


    Although I am currently in Houston attending the leadership conference, I find myself continuously thinking about you all. Whether I’m listening to a lecture, sharing in small group discussions, or praying. . . my head is full of thoughts about our church. I’m sure this goes the same for all the other Mokjanims and Mokyeonims who are here with me as well. We are facing God each day, asking and listening to what He says about our church and our roles within it.


    Over 200 pastors and church leaders from Australia, Japan, Korea, Kazakhstan, Africa, Canda, South America, and the entirety of the U.S. have gathered here for this conference. Those who have been serving God’s Kingdom from different parts of the world have come together in one place to encourage each other and confirm the path we must take together. All of them are such precious people. It feels like a dream to praise, cry, laugh, and pray with them.


    The lecturers of this conference are legends in house church communities. I had really wanted to meet them, but had only heard about them. However, throughout the conference, I was able to meet them face to face. I am so grateful that I could hear the stories of their life, ask them questions, and listen to their teachings. One by one, I am collecting pearls that can be made only through tears and  years of pastor experience.


    Yesterday, I gave a testimony in front of everyone in the conference, and I shared some of the things God has been working on in our church. I was able to finish it successfully thanks to those who prayed for me and by the encouragement of our Mokjanims and Mokeyonims who cheered me up. I am so grateful that I was able to talk about our church in front of Christians from all around the world. 


    It feels very nice when I coincidentally see the faces of our Hanmaum Church’s Mokjanims and Mokyeonims passing by in the hallways. I pray that the grace of God will overflow in each  and every one of them.


    Following the shepherd..

    From Houston

    Pastor JiWon Choi