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    조회 수 20 댓글 0

      However, there is something more important than all this. Even if we endow a new identity to the English congregation, have them offer worship services at the main sanctuary, and come up with good programs and plans for them, all these efforts will be futile unless ‘you, yourself’ reading this message is changed. Conceiving and giving birth to ‘a new living church’ is only possible upon many prayers, and devotions of love. We cannot count on others to do it for us. Instead, it should be ‘us, ourselves’ reading this message. Also, the Korean congregation must embrace the same vision and be devoted to prayer for the purpose. It is not the task of others; ‘we, ourselves’ must do the work. The English congregation must not be an observer but be a main actor with the ability to create ‘ownership of church’. It is not something others can do for you. ‘You, yourself’ must take ownership and assume responsibility over the work. There is a saying in Korea, ‘Your hands will freeze even in midsummer if you hate your job”. If you are not motivated for the work however, all these will come as a burden to you. 


      We should not just counterfeit a heart of devotion. Let’s all first seek God and pray that God will pour His heart on us. God created man in ‘His own image’. God created man to flow through His glory and power. Through man, God completes His work. God pours out His dream on our heart to do His work. I pray that we can all see the work of the Holy Spirit in this English congregation. If the Holy Spirit is upon the TOL congregation, spiritual vitality will arise. They will dream, and His power will be poured out on us. Once the spiritual strength is planted in the congregation, the rest will just follow naturally.  As you have read so far in the past Pastor’s columns, the work of the Holy Spirit has already begun in the English congregation. This year, I will focus on praying for the English congregation. When we started the Jerich prayer march, we all saw the work God has done in the Korean congregation. I pray that God will work in the English congregation the same way.


      Please be devoted to praying for the English congregation. It would be good if you can devote yourself to praying for the English congregation at least once a day. I believe that all the work of God will start as we kneel down first.   

    Following the shepherd…
    Pastor Jiwon Choi