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     This year we have been moving as if we are playing a puzzle. Finally, the last piece for the youth group support team has been found and the team is formed. Mokja Byungwook Son and Moknyeo Jimin Yeo, Mokja Sungeun Lee, Mokja Wonjae Cho, and Brother Jason Pang make this team.  Also, Mokja Hae-Joon Chong, the educational support team leader of Hanmaum Church, will cooperate with them from many angles.


      Mokja Byungwook Son and Moknyeo Jimin Yeo will assume the overall responsibility of the youth group, as did the previous Youth Pastor. Especially, they will focus on education and the spiritual growth of our children. The official position title for them is Youth Group Director(s), but please address them as Mokja and Moknyeo. While they can serve youth group with the title of Youth Pastor(s), we will use the term shepherd, or Mokja and Moknyeo to emphasize their pastoral focuses (of the role of the shepherd in House Church) and their willingness to serve.


      God’s direction for Mokja Byungwook Son and Moknyeo Jimin Yeo seems obvious. The Mokja Byungwook Son was the first fruit of ministry and answer to sincere prayer since my ministry as Pastor began at Hanmaum Church. He was the seed of single Mokjangs. On all the steps that the couple have taken, from moving out of state and growing up spiritually, returning to Hanmaum Church, becoming the head of the English-Speaking ministry team, starting the first English Speaking Mokjang, and until becoming the head of our youth group, I was with them in the courses of discerning and validating God’s will. Due to the spatial limitation of this page, I could not compose all of God’s guidance, which has been with them.


      Mokja Sungeun Lee and Mokja Wonjae Cho will serve our youth group with Mokja Byungwook and Moknyeo Jimin. The position title for them is the Fun-raiser (in charge of fun activities?^^). As the title reveals, they decided to devote themselves to providing the joyful memories to youth groupers. In addition to the basic role of supporting events and external activities, they will also be responsible for supporting the Youth Worship Team and for raising, educating, and backing up the Children’s Shepherds at each Mokjang. 


      Brother Jason will take on the position of Big Brother and you may think of this role as a counselor. It’s a role that will talk to our children regularly over the phone and listen to their hearts. Jason grew up going to Sunday school at Hanmaum Church, and he now attends college in Boston. He can fill the cultural and age gap between youth groupers and others. He already has an ongoing and good relationship with most of our children. Having Jason seems like a good choice since youth groupers feel comfortable opening their minds with him and approaching him. Also, Jason has a genuine passion and vision in this type of service. 


      As chances come, we might be able to invite additional Big Brother(s) and Big Sister(s).  I see the need for dividing the group into two- one for high school and another one for middle school, and I would love to invite the Big Sister for girls. As of now, we begin this with Jason. Please pray for and encourage them together.   

    From pastor Choi, Jin-Won