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    조회 수 30 댓글 0

    (devotion table is covered with red cloth  and located below the pastor's podium)


     Genesis chapter one tells the story about how God’s creations responded when He spoke. It says that when God spoke, chaos, void, and darkness were changed into law, life and light. From the very first chapter of the Bible, we can find accounts of God’s creatures responding to God’s words. The entirety of the Bible is filled with such testimonies. 


      Every week after service, we must decide how we should respond to God’s words; we must make a resolution of whether or not to obey God’s words. This does not have to be a big decision. In fact, making many smaller decisions can be more beneficial. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A big yet abstract resolution does not get us too far. For example, we could say, “I should believe in God more.” Although the intention of this decision is aspirational and well-meaning, it does not explain how we are going to actually live it out. Unless the decision is followed by concrete deeds, it is hard to experience a practical transformation in our lives. We must make a small yet exercisable decision today and let the decision guide our tomorrows. I would like for all of you to make one such decision each week and put it into practice. Just one decision is enough.


      Making your way on to the devotion table marks the first step of bringing this decision into your life. It is the act of confession where you, taking that decision, come in front of God and give(devote)  yourself to him. God sees through the heart. You may succeed in carrying out the decision, or you may fail. However, regardless of the outcome, God rejoices in that first step you take, the effort you put in, and the heart you carry. He rejoices over the confessions that come with each step towards the devotion table. There is a common misunderstanding with the word ‘devotion,’ that it requires something big. The table of devotion is not only for “big, amazing decisions.” Faith matures one step at a time. 


      God rejoices when we confess our faith in that first step we make . He will take great joy when that small confession of our hearts relays to a small deed in our lives. I pray that our congregation will leave worship service starting a new week by taking a step towards the devotion table.

    Following the shepherd…
    Pastor Jiwon Choi