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      The Mokja, Byung Wook Son, responsible for youth group, and the Mokja, Young Kwan Cho, responsible for children’s group, have decided not to receive any monetary compensation for their service at Hanmaum church.  This is because they have a fulltime job which provides income for their living. This is not to say that the quality of their service and dedication will be lessened. They both have a vision and love for the children; their decision should be taken as their willingness to devote themselves even more to God. I went along with their decision because I really valued their precious and devoted heart to God. For many years, the Mokyeo, Choi Eun Sil, also has been offering her service for the toddler’s group without any monetary compensation.  So now both the youth and children’s ministry have become “honor jobs”. I ask Hanmaum Church to offer appreciation and loving hearts to them. They are breaking a jar of precious perfume in front of the children’s feet. I believe that God will accept their devotion with a glad heart, and our thankful hearts to them will also be rejoiced by Him as well.


      As a senior pastor, I have considered the implication of this matter to our children. Children grow fast and it is not long until they will leave us. So, the time they are with us is critical in their spiritual and physical growth. The matter of spiritual growth and nourishment of the children is really important to me especially since I am responsible for their souls.


      Considering its importance, we should continue to monitor this matter with watchful eyes. However, I think that the devotion and the genuine passion of these three leaders will become a seed of growth for our children. I believe that the vision and the love are most important in the children’s education, and I can only thank the devotion and the love these leaders have offered to our children. With their willingness to forgo their compensations, the church now can redirect the finance to further enrich our children’s education, and we are discussing the concrete means to benefit our children with better opportunities and environment. Please pray together and support the children and youth groups with a grateful heart.

    From pastor Choi, Jin-Won