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    조회 수 90 댓글 0

    I went to join the Arise, which was for our Children (Youth Group). The Arise is a gathering for Korean American teens in New England. At the Arise, it was a tearful and shaking scene for me to see that our Children prayed and praised the Lord with all of their heart even after midnight. They hugged and held each other, as praying with tears for each other. They poured out their heart before God, and God healed them. The singing filled the hall, and the tears running down from their eyes when Children stood and raised their hands. Before God, they sincerely rejoiced and dreamed in the Lord. Must God be so glad to see them as well... God must have been touched by our Children.

    I am even more grateful that our Children actually led this gathering. I assume that their gifts and their passion had been suppressed by the Adults. The teens wait for slow friends and they eventually pray together. Friendly older brothers and sisters lead the way and younger ones naturally follow them on the path. This way seems like a pleasant and good path. Children are now bigger than me and even led this kind of services. As I see their growth and potential, I once again come to think they are the future for us. 

    The silhouettes of our Children, praising the Lord with raised hands in the slowly getting brightened stage and hall, remain in my heart as if it is a photo. I would like to build their Church. I have a dream of a Church that is built, organized, and led with ownership minds by our Children. The English ministry work is the core of this vision. I pray that our Children become the leaders of the English Speaking Congregation at Hanmaum Church.

    I pray that as the spiritual and physical fertilizer, the Korean speaking congregation serves the English speaking congregation, which is of our Children. God asked us to take good care of our Children, and He handed them to us. Actually, they are God’s Children. They are the gifts from God and our mission as well. I urge us to remind ourselves about God’s heart on the Children and the vision again. There is a long way for us to go. But we will not give up the mission and we will take it step by step to move forward. Everyone, please, join us, with your sincere prayers.

    Pastor Choi.