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    2023.09.04 01:15

    letters from missionaries

    조회 수 32 댓글 0

    Below are letters from missionaries TaeHyun Chung and YoungSook Chung.

    Pastor Chung and his wife were sent from Hanmaum Church a while back. 


    Hello everyone, 

    Thanks to the abundant grace of God, the training for pastors in the Burundi area ended in success yesterday. 26 pastors from Burundi and 7 Korean missionaries had visited our training center. The central theme of the training was “Going back to the basics of the Bible.” We dreamed that Burundi would experience a revival through the reality of faith the Bible talks about; the faith of great power and work and the vision of faith. 

    On the last night of training, we each shared our testimonies… And I was very touched to hear brothers and sisters proclaiming that they would step away from their incorrect basics of the past, but become people of faith on a new foundation of faith in order to build up a healthy church. I was beyond thankful hearing such precious resolutions. Moreover, the testimony confessing that they would only serve Jesus as Lord and minister solely on His power and wish made me reflect on my ministry as well. At the end of training, I requested the fellow pastors and missionaries to shout out apostle Paul’s confession that  “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me,” and we decided to minister in such a way. Thank you all for praying with us. 






    And we also successfully finished the youth conference from Mbale as well. During the conference, pastor Joel, another Issac, David, and the Joshua brothers boldly cried out that only Jesus is the Lord who lives in them. 

    I love you and bless you all !!!