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    2020.08.31 00:05

    English Worship Service

    조회 수 91 댓글 0

      From September, we will start English Sunday worship service online. The participants will be limited to existing youth group, college students and support groups within their 30s.  The reason for the age restriction is because I want the youth group and college group to lead the ministry. The “English-Speaking Community” stemmed from this effort will be one of the founding stones for “English-Speaking Congregation” our church has been praying for. The “English-Speaking Congregation” will include all ages groups and promote multicultural diversity.

      This is also an important forwarding step toward the theme of “Second generation (our children) ministry leadership” that I had shared last year via the Pastor’s column. Starting from this “English-Speaking community”, I want our children to put their minds together and actively lead this effort. This is why I asked the youth group to come up with the name of this new community. I will also have them to take control over all the activities related to the worship service except the sermon. I think it is important for our children to have ownership of this effort, and I am waiting for someone with God given vision to come forward to lead the efforts. If no such person comes forward, then I believe it means that we are not ready for it; I will set the stage and wait while praying.


      The English worship sermon will be based on the sermon from the Korean worship service a week prior. For instance, my sermon this week in Korean will be replayed in English in the following week’s English worship service. This will allow all the members of our church to hear the same message of God and prepare the same path for the Lord. This will also encourage parents and children to talk about the sermon and respond from the same message of God. Michael Son Mokja will assume the role of preaching in English.  I am also contemplating how we could celebrate the baptism service and share the testimonies in the “English-Speaking Congregation”.  Step by step, I am planning to prepare the English version of the Living Life series and Accepting Jesus meetings. Also, it is very import for the Korean Speaking Congregation to flow down the spiritual blessing to the “English-Speaking Congregation”; this requires constant prayer and effort. 


      I ask all of you to support in this effort by prayer. Most of all, please pray for Michael Son Mokja and Jamie Yeo Mokyeo who are at the front line leading this effort.  Just by being on the front lines, they have to carry on their shoulders heavy weights and confront the spiritual attacks. I pray that all those putting the effort in building up the “English-Speaking Congregation” will receive God’s blessing one after another. 

    From Choi, Ji Won.