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    조회 수 34 댓글 0

        This coming Wednesday (26th) is “Ash Wednesday”. When Jesus entered the Jerusalem, people placed palm leaves in front of his path welcoming Him. But the very same people turned on Jesus and crucified Him on the cross.  Because of their sin, Jesus had to suffer. It was our sin that made him suffer. So traditionally on Ash Wednesday churches prepare the ashes by burning palm leaves and put it on a person’s forehead. People then with their foreheads marked with ashes spend the day of penance.  They have the time of reflection on who they really are with the Bible verse, “For dust you are and to dust you will return.”


    Traditionally churches solemnly have observed the 40 days from Ash Wednesday until Easter day (excluding Sundays) as a period to reflect on the passion of Jesus and His resurrection.  This is called “Lent”. During this period, the atmosphere of church services changes. “Hallelujah” praises are reduced, and church’s atmosphere darkens. This is the time for believers to seek more vigorously self-restraint and abstinence.  Some people choose to fast regularly, and some people give up watching TV or internet. To go along with the same spirit, our church is planning on Daniel Fast during this time.


    The end of Lent is Easter. Easter Sunday, at the end of the dark tunnel, brings out a rejuvenated spirit back to the service. The “Hallelujah” praises are back, and the church’s atmosphere brightens. Believers proclaim and rejoice the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Please take this period of Lent and Daniel Fast (3/22-4/11) as time to practice humility and to mature spiritually. 


    From pastor Choi, Jinwon