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    조회 수 48 댓글 0

      A couple weeks back, our children shepherds attended the children’s shepherd conference, held simultaneously with the adult shepherd conference at Orlando. This was probably the first and last time both events ran at the same time. I was touched by how each member of the Orlando Vision Church served skillfully with passionate hearts to run both events at the same time. 


      We were all able to share a special experience thanks to the service of the Orlando Vision Church. Whenever it was time to eat, both the children shepherds and the adult shepherds gathered in the same area. Lunch and dinner was used as a time to encourage and serve the children shepherds. I loved this precious time. It felt so special and filled my heart with gratitude. When children shepherds entered the cafeteria for lunch or dinner, adult shepherds stood beside them on each side of the hallway and loudly clapped and cheered for each child passing by. By calling out names, giving high-fives, and also blessing each child, we whole-heartedly encouraged and cheered them on. This, of course, was a surprise event for the children shepherds. As a pastor, I was also assigned to assist the children during breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was joyful and gratifying to serve meals to the children and provide them with any necessities. To some children, this whole event may have felt awkward, but still others would have enjoyed it. Regardless, I know for sure that each children shepherd felt the adults’ strong love and faith for them during the event.


       I feel like we tend to live our lives without expressing our gratitude as much; it would be nice if we dedicated a day to express our love and gratitude towards our children. I aspire to establish this kind of culture and atmosphere inside our church. A church that doesn’t miss the opportunity to loudly cheer when children occasionally go on stage, a church that continuously has surprises for our children, a church that regularly assigns days to wholeheartedly serve our children, a church that continuously prays and serves the children— I hope that we can become this type of church. Afterall, it would be so cool!


    Following the Shepherd…

    Pastor JiWon Choi