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      I have never been this fine during a fasting and praying session. I was able to go through my daily activities without any fatigue to the point where it almost seemed miraculous. I have never lied down out of exhaust. Instead, while fasting, I feel that my mind has become more focused and my spirit more clear. I think this is all due to our church members’ prayers. I cannot express enough my thankfulness to those who heard my news and prayed with me, to those who fasted alongside me by skipping a meal or two, or even fasting everyday with me.


      As I hosted the seminars for the last few weeks, I became thankful to God again for His great and giant kingdom.. It is not a secret that I am limited in my abilities. However, the grateful part is that in God’s kingdom, there are others who can fill what I lack. I give thanks and praise to our Lord for letting us build His nation together.


      God has designed each person distinctly and splendidly. They shine the light of God through their own uniqueness. Although everyone is different, each one reveals the glory of one God.  As their  lights converge, they become colorful and even more glorifying. This seems to be why Satan hates us being together so much. It has been a week where I  was thankful that it is not me alone but us together.  I thank everyone for coming as one. 


    Following the Shepherd
    From, Pastor Jiwon Choi