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    조회 수 25 댓글 0

     The suffering strips off our outer self and exposes our true self. It separates the good grain from the chaff. It burns away the chaff in our faith and reveals the true faith. It discloses our personal relationship with God.  It uncovers the vitality of our spirit which was hidden and lets its true value to show off. It brings front our values and perspectives on this world. It judges whether our heart was a thorn place, a stony place, or a good ground. 


      There is no doubt that now is the time to look back ourselves. However, I feel more strongly that now is the time rather to get prepared. It is like a mock exam before the important real test.  When I was at school, teachers told me to make a record of incorrect answers after each test. A mock exam helps us understand where we are so that we can confirm what we know and what we don’t know. It helps us prepare for the real test.


      Nevertheless, I see that there are a lot more Christians who are not aware of what is in front of them. They don’t even think about the coming real tests, nor be critical on their true selves revealed through their experiences, nor be vigilant. Basically, their spiritual discernment has been blurred and they are not understanding what matters the most. Simply put, their spirituality is no longer alive. If you can see such ones, please remember them and pray for them.


      No matter who it is, now is the time to wake up spiritually and get ready.


    From Choi, Ji Won.