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    조회 수 18 댓글 0

      The resurrection of the Lord Jesus and His cross tell the story of immutable truth to everyone in all generations and circumstances. Especially in the midst of a dark circumstance we are experience now, the story of His cross and resurrection is like a light shining down on us. While meditating on the passion of Christ last a few weeks, I pondered again what was the Jesus’s saving mission that He worked so hard to complete. 


      In the book of Matthew 4, Satan tempts Jesus who was fasting for 40 days. When He was asked to tell the stones to become bread by Satan, what appears to be legitimate suggestion, He rejected it by saying, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”  What was more important than bread to someone who was hungry after 40 days of fasting. It seems that if stones can turn into bread, then many problems in the world will go away… What was it that Jesus was referring that is more important than that?


      “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”  For Jesus, our dying eternal soul was more important that our mortal bodies. What His Cross and resurrection left us was not bread. 


      Finding myself being extremely mindful of coronavirus pandemic, made me think if there was ever a time, I was extremely mindful of the wellness of my soul. Was there ever a time I struggled so hard to wake up my sleeping soul? Was there ever a time I cleansed my soul and raised a high barrier against sins? Am I receiving the salvation of my soul that Jesus worked so hard to offer to us?


      Now is the time to look back at ourselves and get prepared again. I pray for every one of you each day. I pray that the grace of God will bestow upon you when you call out His name in your places.  I pray that when you stand alone before His Words, Holy Spirit will breathe life into the Words, and the Lord Jesus will talk directly into your hearts. I pray that you move from one level of His grace into another level of His grace.


      I pray that the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus will bestow upon each one of your heart.  The Lord Jesus is our true hope and the lights of His hope will shine on us.


    Seeing the living hope of His resurrection… 

    om pastor Choi, JiWon.