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    2022.10.03 01:18

    Family Mokjang

    조회 수 40 댓글 0

      There is a park located in Boston called Boston Common. Also known as the oldest park in the U.S, the park is owned and shared by its surrounding communities. Thus, it has become a symbolic place for communities to get together.


      A while back, I was reflecting on the name “Boston Common,” when a thought about God popped into my head. There seems to be a friendly rapport within Chrisitans who believe in Jesus. Even if it is the first time meeting someone, we get the feeling that we have known each other for a long time when we discover the common experience of faith in God— we experience that God is our common ground. I am so thankful that we are able to come together in God and become one despite our many differences. This is a mysterious ‘spiritual friendship’ that only those who experienced it can understand. 


      Even if you live together with your family, you are not able to share your precious stories if other family members have different faiths. This loneliness and frustration sometimes serves as a very saddening experience for many. It hurts not being able to share your stories to someone you love. Although under the same roof, it feels as if other family members are living in a different world. It is almost like living with an invisible wall between mother and children where they can see each other but cannot cross over. Although the mother is on God’s side of the world, her children are not. Thus, the common ground of “God” disappears, and we can no longer experience the miracle of hearts connecting to heart and souls connecting to souls. 


      During last week’s service, we talked about the ‘Family Mokjang.’ We dream of families becoming one under the common ground of God. We hope for spiritual friendships to develop within family members. We pray that the time will come when parents and children spiritually come together as one under God, sharing the same dream, belief and hope. How good would it be to become one in God, cry together, share laughter, dream together, believe together, and walk on the same path throughout life's journey !


      Looking forward to such a time, I pray.

    Following the shepherd…
    Pastor Jiwon Choi