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    2022.10.17 00:18

    Children’s Mokja

    조회 수 37 댓글 0

       A couple of days back, my wife and I shared with Sooyoung, Seoyeon, and Jaeyoung the reason we are doing Mokjang and how we have been experiencing God through it. I was very thankful to see their eyes twinkle throughout the conversation. We spent time together discussing Mokjang and reaffirmed our commitment to it and prayed. Jaeyoung enjoys going to church meetings, Seoyeon likes to sing praises with the family, and Sooyoung likes to pray next to his mom at church. And at Mokjang, each pulls his/her own weight in doing the work of God. I am so thankful that I can talk to them about God’s story, and that they can understand and relate to it.


      Our church dreams of parents and children becoming one in God. I pray that parents and children will be able to praise together, pray together, feel God’s love together, experience the living God together, rejoice in God together, cry for God together, wake up God's dream planted in them, and walk together in the same journey. Mokjang is surely a place for it. It ties parents and children as one for the same purpose. I pray that Mokjang is not only a physical place, but is where parents and children can place their heart.


      It feels as if we are rebuilding the broken walls of our church these days. Now is the time to refortify the walls of Children’s Mokja and Mokjang as well. If possible, I am planning to raise a children’s Mokja for every Mokjang. I will also regularly mentor the Children’s Mokjas until God provides us with another servant who can do so. On the second week of next July, I will take our children’s Mokjas to Orlando to attend the “Children’s Mokja Conference.” This will be the time where our Children’s Mokjas will spend time with other Children’s Mokjas from all over the U.S. It will be a truly precious time where our Children’s Mokjas will be able to hear other friends’ testimonies about the God they experienced, share God’s dream that other friends are dreaming, rejoice together as a whole, and pray together as well. Just thinking about it makes my heart pound.

    Following the shepherd…
    Pastor Jiwon Choi