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    2019.03.17 23:02

    Coming together as one heart

    조회 수 79 댓글 0
     I enjoy watching the Korean variety show, “Running Man” with my kids. In each episode, famous entertainers must complete the hilarious missions to win the race as a team. Each mission is packed with fun as each member tries to win the race with a lot of wits and cooperation. The team erupts in joy after winning. On one episode, they had to successfully jump over a swinging rope 15 times in a row by teaming up with any random people they meet on the street. After lots of trials, errors and fun, they finally succeeded. Even if they met each other for the first time, they hug each other and jumped up and down in joy. Even the bystanders cheered them on and took part in the excitement. I think they were all happy because their hearts became one for the same mission and they won!

      Then it crossed my mind that the effort we are putting into the House Church Pastor Conference would bring similar joy and delights to our church. Just like that mission in “Running Man”, we are bound to make mistakes, but we will challenge together as a team with a lot of fun and excitement. Then when we finally cross the finishing line, we will overflow with joy. The experience will bring us closer together with a sense of achievement that we have fought for this mission together and completed it together!

      And this mission is not just any game, but it is for the glory of God which gives even more meaning in itself. I, the pastor of Hanmaum Church, and the Mokja and Mokyeo, the leaders of the church all agree and believe that this mission is the will of God. I have not had any hesitation in the pursuit of this mission because we are the body of Christ. We are the hands and feet of his body and we should act on his calling. This challenge is precious by itself because it is the mission that God has given to us.

      While working together for the mission, I can’t get rid of the feeling however, that sometimes we are a  little out of tune and the process is not smooth. However, I feel that the help of God is more dominant than these little issues. We are amazed at how God is helping us tackle the challenges and sand down the bumps and edges for the mission. God has supported us by sending people and providing finance. Unexpected hands are helping our church. I hear testimonies from every corner of the church that brothers and sisters are breaking their precious jars of perfume for the service of God. These are the reasons why I feel confident that God is focusing on us for this mission. Wait and see! This thrill of making a successful jump one at a time will come together as great jubilation at the end, and it will become the testimony of Hanmaum Church.

      However, we all have personal situations that does not allow us to have the same levels of dedication. Some will just be watching, and some will be in a position to jump over the rope. I expect that even those who are just watching to keep close eyes on the mission, pray, cheer and encourage. Then when we finish the mission, we can all hug each other and share the joy. Otherwise, you will be sidelined in the celebration. Our children are not exceptions. Please educate them well and help them so their hearts will be together with us in this mission as well.
    Pastor Choi